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  • 配电柜有辐射吗?
  • 本站编辑:杭州铭伟斯电气有限公司发布日期:2020-04-12 15:59 浏览次数:










1. 严禁在配电室堆放杂物。济南配电箱地面无尘、无泥、无尘、无水,环境干净整洁。

2. 配电室有足够的照明和良好的通风设备。


4. 配电室排水通畅,屋顶、地下无渗漏。灭虫、灭鼠设施齐全。

The distribution box is a low-voltage distribution device, which consists of switchgear, measuring instruments, protective equipment and auxiliary equipment in a closed or semi-closed metal box or shielding width. In normal operation, the circuit can be manual or automatic switch. In case of malfunction or abnormal operation, the circuit should be cut off or alarm should be given by means of protective device. Through the measuring instrument, various parameters in operation can be displayed, and some electrical parameters can be adjusted to indicate or send signals deviating from the normal working state. Commonly used in power distribution, distribution, substation. Easy to manage, when the circuit failure, conducive to maintenance. Distribution Box and distribution cabinet distribution board, is the centralized installation of switches, instruments and other equipment of complete sets of equipment. Commonly used distribution box is made of wood and iron plate two, where the electricity is now larger, so or iron plate use more. The purpose of the distribution box: of course, it can easily stop and send power, play a role in measuring and judging the stop and send power first, improve the distribution room environment. It is strictly forbidden to pile up sundries in the distribution room. Jinan distribution box ground dust-free, mud-free, dust-free, water-free, clean environment. 2. The distribution room has adequate lighting and good ventilation. Distribution room indoor environment temperature should not exceed 40 degrees, relative humidity should be less than 80% . 4. Distribution Room Drainage is smooth, no roof, underground leakage. Pest and rodent control facilities are complete.
